All dwarves know they are the oldest race in the world. Scholars disagree,
but arguing with stubborn dwarves will not change anything. Dwarves are people
of the earth, very strong-willed and loyal to their friends.
Dwarves are stocky people and shorter than normal humans (4-5 ft).
However, dwarves weigh about the same as an average human. Their complexion
tends to be a little dark and their eye and hair colors also tend to be darker.
Dwarves are best with using tools. This can be anything from constructing
buildings to wielding weapons of war. They are a strong and healthy people.
Dwarves, like elves, have innate infravision.
Dwarf - Lore, Repair, Tenacity, Infra +1S +2C -1D -2c -1.5V
Lore - The ability to identify valuable or rare items by using assess command.
Dwarves also receive bonuses to mining, tempering and forging.
Repair - Allows a dwarf to repair most items without any training.
Tenacity - Resistance to stunning attacks, raises aggression if immobilized.
Also raises damage/defense for a short period of time afterward. Dwarves
also have increased ability to hold their alcohol.
Infravision - the ability to see in the dark.
Lv100: Gruff - Self buff, reduces damage taking capacity for a short time.
Combination Abilities:
Dwarf + Warrior
Prevention - A dwarven warrior's items take half damage.
Dwarf + Bard
Improved Lore - Ability to identify ANY item just by looking at it with assess.
See Also: Race, Infravision, Racials
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