Large, muscular creatures. Ogres are a little too muscular for
their own good, as their bulk gets in the way of their ability to
move quickly.
Brutal killers by nature, they are not interested or capable of
very much higher learning. Most are content to live out their lives
in a small area, hunting for Gnomes and other small things to eat.
Some live in groups, although most are solitary.
They are usually tall, although some short Ogres have been known
to exist. They are rather silly-looking, as they still have the
same amount of musculature as their larger brethren. Skin tones
are usually brownish, although it can vary quite a bit. Male Ogres
have small tusks which they are rather proud of. These often get
broken off if the Ogre manages to live very long.
Ogre - Slam, Thick Skin, Wild Swing +4S +3C -4D -4W -2I -3c -2V
Slam - A hit that can stun a target for a short time.
Thick Skin - Ogre have thick skin, and are capable of resisting
Spells and skill of a stunning nature more easily than others.
Wild Swing - Ogre casters can hit with a melee strike while casting
a spell, this ability allows Ogres to be decent casters. Wild
Swing also grants a bonus to two-handed damage based on weapon
weighting, making Ogres more likely to prefer 2h.
Lv100: Feriocioushunger - Ogre gains a boost to damage after eating.
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