Ice-elves, who long ago chose to leave their forest homes, seeing
the forests as not the perfect form of nature. Instead, ice-elves saw
the pefection and beauty in the arctic land, where everything is frozen
and unmoving. Telnarius are generally a bit taller and slimmer than
their cousin elves. They can have one of two skin colors depending on
which line they come from, either silvery white or if they're descended
from dark elves, a frosty blue. They commonly have white, blue, black,
or silver hair, no matter their age. They have various eye colors
ranging from black to gray to red.
Telnarius - Coldsight, Disrupt, Infra, Wit -2S -1C +1W +1I +3c +1V
Coldsight - All Telnarius are able to detect invisibility at all times
Note that invisibility is different from being hidden.
Also increases critical strike chance and hit chance.
Disrupt - Damage ability that reduces victim hp and mana by a small
amount. Silences the victim for a very short period of time.
Wit - 25% mana regeneration bonus, 25% bonus toward skill learning.
Infravision - the ability to see in the dark.
Lv100: Spelltrap - Traps an incoming spell and recovers mana from it instead
You will also inflict greater damage while the trap persists.
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